Cloud computing market outlook in 2020: server free and security challenges

Last year, Forrester, an American consulting firm, predicted that enterprises would start to modernize their core businesses with cloud computing in 2019, and the transformation has indeed begun. In 2019, IBM completed the acquisition of red hat; VMware re absorbed pivot. Some unexpected new alliances are beginning to emerge. (source: global network)

Oracle cooperated with Microsoft to establish a high-speed link between Oracle cloud and azure; VMware introduced its cloud foundation into Google cloud. The pattern of cloud providers is constantly expanding and changing. In 2020, which party will win the cloud computing war again?

According to Forrester's prediction, the public cloud market including cloud application (SaaS), development and data platform (PAAS) and infrastructure (IAAs) services will grow to $299.4 billion in the new year, and reach $5 trillion in the next few years. The market is maturing. Currently, in North America, 65% of enterprises rely on public cloud platform, while 66% of enterprises run internal private cloud.

Cloud computing market outlook in 2020: server free and security challenges

Alibaba may catch up with Google, IBM and Oracle will continue to stick to their familiar areas. IBM and Oracle will not withdraw from the super large public cloud market currently dominated by AWS, Microsoft, Google and Alibaba. IBM will be committed to helping enterprises use red hat's openshift development platform in the cloud to modernize core business applications. Oracle will focus on its SAAS and autonomous database products, while azure will be used for general cloud development services such as AI / machine learning, kubernetes / container, Internet of things and other emerging innovations. Alibaba's global cloud platform revenue will exceed Google's by $4.5 billion, but Google will remain third in North America because of Alibaba's insufficient market share in the region.

Open source cloud native development will focus on service mesh and serverless. Hundreds of open source projects and suppliers are competing for developers' attention in the cloud native development ecosystem, and a fierce battle will be launched in 2020. Last year, kubernetes won the battle for container choreography and launched many new commercial products. As for service meshes, it is expected to provide more powerful inter service network, visibility and security. At the same time, serverless has opened up new programming models that are completely abstracted from the infrastructure. Istio stands out in the service mesh space today, while knative is a reliable server less option - both of which are likely to be used by enterprises as part of the cloud native development platform.

Cloud managers must and will address cloud security issues. AWS's capital one vulnerability has drawn attention to the challenge of cloud management: protecting applications and data in an increasingly mixed cloud world. Ultra large scale cloud leaders will invest more in native security products, while cross cloud management providers must purchase, build, and / or acquire security capabilities beyond identity and access management. Some security initiatives have emerged in 2019, when VMware acquired carbon black to inject security into its cloud management, virtualization, and container products.

In general, in 2020, super large-scale global public cloud leaders will form more alliances and re-examine their core advantages; leading business application providers will give up their proprietary infrastructure; high-performance computing will take off; many cloud native open systems will provide service mesh and serverless computing; and; In addition, after the public cloud data leakage, cloud management vendors will focus on security.

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